Weekend Beauty: The Coconut oil secret Exposed?

Coconut oil is one of the most unique products on the market right now. The positive rewards it brings to your life upon use are just too amazing to go unnoticed.

Coconut oil isn't just an awesome tool to cook with but it is also an amazing product to use for beauty purposes.

This gallery contains some of the best ways to use coconut oil that will help bring about positive change to your life.

Cooking- Anything that can benefit from a slightly sweet aroma will work; sweet potatoes, oatmeal, stir-fry veggies, COOKIES!

Lip balm- Natural remedy to keep lips super-soft and crack-free. Put some in a small container for on the go.

Hair mask- A deep-conditioning treatment for damaged hair and dandruff. Massage all over your scalp 5 minutes, then leave it overnight covered in saran wrap. Wash out in the morning

 Body moisturizer- Straight out the shower, just lather and massage it into the skin.

Remove makeup- A natural makeup remover without any face irritating chemicals. Apply it all over and gently remove with a cotton pad, rinse face with warm water after

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