In lockdown, this person got something precious by digging the garden

Corona is wreaking havoc all over the world. Due to this, more than one lakh people have died so far while more than 19 lakh people are infected. Lockdown has been imposed in many countries. At present people are imprisoned in their respective homes. People are seen doing something to pass the time. A person living in West Yorkshire, England was in a similar situation. He was getting bored sitting in the house due to the lockdown, so he thought why not dig in the garden. But seeing the 'treasure' that was put on his hand by this digging, he was also shocked.

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According to media reports, the person's name is John Bradshaw. He has shared an interesting incident on social media. According to 40-year-old John, he bought a house in Heckmondbike six months ago. He is currently staying there and is unable to move anywhere due to the lockdown. He went to the garden located behind his house and started digging there. In the meantime, he found a 70-year-old Ford car buried deep inside the ground.

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Now John was alone at home and could not take anyone's help because of the lockdown. So he took out several parts of the car one by one by himself. Those parts also included the car's number plate. According to reports, the car is brown in colour and almost broken. However, John did not find the wheels of the car during the excavation. According to the information, the cars that John got, similar cars used to run on the roads in the 1950s. John says that he will repair this car and keep it as an 'antique item'. 

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