Whу is it bad to sit on one leg?

Most women have one thing in common: they all like to sit with their legs crossed. It is convenient and does not attract too much attention from outside. But not everyone knows that this manner is not entirely safe for health.

Clamped nerve endings

Anyone who believes that when the legs are crossed only the supporting one suffers, it is deeply mistaken. Leg, which is on top, in this position is also subjected to stress. Because an important nerve, the so-called fibular nerve, passes through the popliteal fossa. When it is squeezed too long or too intense, the lower leg and foot become numb. If the damage to the nerve is irreversible - it threatens to paralysis of the feet and fingers.

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Blood pressure rises

In the leg-to-leg position, except for the nerve, the veins are also pinched, they are no longer able to transport enough blood back to the heart. Therefore, other blood vessels are forced to “take over” this task for themselves, which exposes itself to excessive load: as a result, the blood pressure rises. But if you stop crossing your legs, the pressure will return to normal. However, it is possible that in this case, the vessels will already be irretrievably injured.


According to the experts, crossing the legs alone can not cause varicose veins. But those at risk from other factors, such as obesity, genetic predisposition or pregnancy, should be careful. After all, obstruction of normal blood circulation due to an unnatural position can lead to serious damage and even deep vein thrombosis.

Worsening posture

Crossed legs are an unnatural posture. Anyone who sits daily for a long time in this position risks getting a curved back and a twisted pelvis, plus constant pain and discomfort in the muscles as well as joints.

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and are forced to spend several hours a day in the chair, try to at least sit correctly and put your legs together and not cross, besides, do not forget to rise for a few minutes every hour and warm up.

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