What is Mouse Jiggle Technology, due to which dozens of employees were fired from the company?

In a surprising move, Wells Fargo, one of America's largest financial companies, has terminated several of its remote staff who were working from home. The reason cited behind this action is the alleged use of "Mouse Jigglers." This incident has sparked widespread reconsideration of work-from-home options among many companies since its revelation.

According to a report by BBC, employees found guilty were either fired or chose to resign from their positions. The company stated that employees who work remotely are inspected every three years. Due to the prevalence of remote work, many companies are employing various tools to monitor their employees, including eye movement, mouse activity, screenshots, and even tracking websites being used.

The US Financial Industry Regulatory Authority has reported that more than a dozen individuals were affected by the use of this software. It is surprising to note that some of these individuals had been working for Wells Fargo for up to five years. Following this incident, the company is contemplating ending its work-from-home policy altogether.

What is a "Mouse Jiggler"?

A "Mouse Jiggler" is software designed to prevent a computer from entering sleep mode and to simulate activity on the screen. This software essentially fakes keyboard and mouse activity to give the impression that someone is actively using the system, when in reality, they may not be.

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