What is oil cleansing and how is it a MIRACULOUS way to get rid of acne and unclog pores?

Based on your skin type, choose an oil that works best for you. Olive oil is a great choice for dry skin while jojoba and castor oil work well for acne prone skin.

1. Take ½ teaspoon of oil on your hands and apply it all over your clean face.

2. Gently massage the oil in circular motions. Don’t not use harsh motions or apply excessive pressure.

3. Keep on adding a few drops of oil if you think your skin is getting excessively dry.

4. Massage until you find black dirt pockets getting sucked out of your pores. As nasty as it looks, your skin is getting rid of all the dirt and grime from under the layers.

5. Once you think your skin starts to feel clean (probably after 7-10 minutes of massaging) wash your face with lukewarm water and mild face wash.

6. Pat it dry and apply a moisturiser.

Points to remember:

- When you try a new skincare method, purging is common. It means your skin is reacting to the method and getting rid of all the toxins.

-. Make sure to pick an oil that works best for your skin type. This is a very important step to consider before oil cleansing.

- A mild sensation is common during and after oil cleansing but if you think it is unbearable, stop it.


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