What Not To Do While Arguing With A Women !

Women are very sensitive and even emotional too. Sometimes little things hurt them and so talking to them while fighting should be tricky for a men as one negative thing said may blast her emotions and she can just jump on you in words and sentences and will be difficult to control. So if you are in fighting with a women, consider these things not to tell them.

1. Do not apologise at once:

When she is fighting or arguing certain topic, don't just jump into apologizing to end the fight, because it can do the opposite. As then she may consider you on weak side and may jump on you with hurting words.

2.Never say about her past:

Research says even if she tells you about your past, whatever the situation is but you don't make her remember about ex relationships as it can worsen her and then she could go to to any destructive level.

3. Never tell her words that hurt her:

Never say words like R u mad as this will increase the fight. Never say words like u r not listening to what she is saying. Never make her feel that she is nothing or not important to u. Never tell her that you are not listening. Never show her that she fights on stupid causes as it hurts her emotions and she may feel very down and it will just worsen the situation.

4. Never ask for love that moment:

This makes women feel that you are not listening to what she is saying and not the words but her body is important to you. This will fill her up with negative emotions and hatred.

Whenever there is a fight, keep silent or say those words or sentences that hurt less or wait for the situation to cool down by not arguing. Just keep your views in a polite because only this can calm her down and keep your relationship fine by not hurting each other.

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