Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp has unveiled four new features aimed at enhancing audio and video calling experiences for both mobile and desktop users. Announcing the updates in a blog post, WhatsApp highlighted the significance of its platform, revealing that over 2 billion calls are made globally each day. These updates arrive just in time for the holiday season, offering users more convenience and customization. Key Features for Audio and Video Calls Select Call Participants with Ease Users can now handpick participants for group calls, enabling greater control and flexibility. This feature is especially useful for situations like planning surprise events or sharing updates with select individuals while keeping others unaware. Creative Video Call Effects Building on its earlier introduction of night mode and basic effects, WhatsApp now offers a wider selection of video call effects. Users can enhance their calls with fun options like puppy ears, a karaoke microphone, or an underwater theme. Additionally, the app now supports higher-resolution video, delivering clearer and more reliable visuals for both one-on-one and group video calls. Enhanced Desktop Calling Experience WhatsApp has revamped its desktop calling interface for smoother user navigation. Desktop users can now access everything they need to start a call, create a call link, or dial a number directly from the app's "Calls" tab. Other Noteworthy Updates Beyond call enhancements, WhatsApp has introduced a revamped Typing Indicators feature to boost engagement during chats. This new visual cue replaces the previous "Typing" notification with a “...” indicator accompanied by the sender’s profile picture. This feature is particularly beneficial in group chats, where multiple participants may be typing simultaneously. With profile pictures added as visual cues, users can easily identify who is typing, enabling quicker responses and better communication. A Step Towards Better Connectivity These updates reflect WhatsApp’s commitment to improving user experience by blending functionality with creativity. With these features, WhatsApp continues to solidify its position as a go-to communication tool for billions worldwide.