New Delhi: In spite of all the controversies, the instant messaging platform Whatsapp remains at its stand. The company has announced that any users in India will not accept its new privacy policy, they will not be able to use Whatsapp after May 15, 2020. It has promised to provide security to consumers, saying that it will not back down from its updates. Meanwhile, many people have shifted to apps like Signal and Telegram. WhatsApp has said that it will 'slowly' ask its consumers to accept its new terms and conditions. If they do not do this, they will not be able to use the app. They will be able to make and receive calls, but they will be banned from sending and viewing messages. Whatsapp has said that even after not accepting the new privacy policy, users will be allowed to use the app for a few days. He has now found a new way to reassure users. An ad will be shown at the top of the chat window, in which the new privacy policy is explained properly. In a few weeks, this feature will start working. It will tell what information it needs and how it cannot be misused. Consumers will also be given options to review this policy, so that they know more. Also Read- Petrol- Diesel prices rise after two days, Know today's rate Real Estate Sector in K-Shaped Recovery, Smaller Players Losing Market Share: ICRA Bharti Airtel To Take Final Call On Foreign Currency Bonds Issuance Post- Meet With Investors