We unknowingly do such things every day that damage our brain. We can prevent the brain damage. Our brain raises the pressure of a good job, promotion, looking for a good life partner. Our brain works well in sickness too. But taking more work from the brain, body cells begin to be damaged. Often people fall asleep after a headache by covering their head. This reduces the ability of brain to work. Do not get enough amount of oxygen brain by covering the head, which increases the risk of chronic headaches and dementia. Due to excessive eating, brain damages . This increases the production of insulin in the body. It is responsible for increasing the hardness of the arteries. By eating late night, chatting and watching movies, brain damage happens. Likely to stay awake late in the morning increases the chances of getting brain damage. This causes the brain cells to weaken and stop working. Also read: Milk and Honey can be the solution for Stress Strengthen the immune system of your child Make cleanser at home to fight with Acne problem