Gwynith Paltrow was fired from her first job at age of 12

Hollywood's well-known actress Gwyneth Paltrow may be the founder of a lifestyle company, but she was fired from her first job when she was just 12 years old.

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According to media reports, 47-year-old actress Gwyneth of Balth Danner and the late director and producer Bruce Paltrow worked at a toy store in Madison Avenue, New York, at the age of 12, but due to not going to work during the school holidays, she was fired from her job.

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The Oscar-winning actress said about this time, "I was fired because I went on a spring vacation, but I didn't tell my boss and didn't go on duty. I thought that when you went on a spring vacation then the world stops. " She further said," I was broken after being fired, but it was a good lesson. "

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