Which is the oldest Veda?

Who composed the famous flag song "Zhanda Ooncha Rahe Humara"? Ans:- Shyamlal Gupta Councillor

The disease 'milk fever' in animals is caused by the deficiency of which of the following? Ans:- Calcium

By which part of the human body is urea filtered from the blood? Ans:- Kidneys

  Which Indian has won the Nobel Prize in Economics? Ans:- Prof. Amartya Sen

Bharat Ratna Ustad Bismillah Khan has been famous in the playing of which instrument? Ans:- Clarinet

Who was the last Governor-General of India? Ans:- C.Rajagopalachari

Bhilai Steel Plant was built in collaboration with which country? Ans:- Russia

What is the name of India's research centre in the North Pole? Ans:- Himadri

Who was the first woman in the world to climb Mount Everest? Ans:- Japan's Zunko Tabai

Jaundice is a disease of which organ? Ans:- Liver or liver

11"Liquid passes the same pressure in all directions" This statement is related to which rule? Ans: Pascal's law

12. What is the mineral component of chlorophyll? Ans:- Magnesium

13. L.P.G. What's going on in the gas? Ans:- Butane

14. Who first read Ashoka's records? Ans: James Prinsep

15. Under the influence of which Buddhist monk did Ashoka convert to Buddhism? Ans:- Upagupta

Which Mughal emperor was uneducated? Ans:- Akbar

Who founded the city of Amritsar? Ans:- Guru Ramdas

Who was the founder of the Ghadar Party? Ans:- Lala Hardayal

Who started the langar system in Sikh history? Ans:- Guru Angad Dev

Which is the oldest Veda? Ans:- Rigveda

Who was the first woman Chief Minister of India?

Imp GK: By which article of the Constitution Hindi was declared as the national language?

In which sport has India won the gold medal 8 times in the Olympic Games?

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