WHO estimates 14,000 cases of monkey pox worldwide

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), said on Wednesday that as many as 14,000 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in over 70 countries this year and a total of 5 deaths have been reported in Africa.

 The head of the WHO reaffirmed that the organisation would keep doing everything in its power to assist nations in halting transmission and saving lives.

"This year, more than 70 countries and territories have reported around 14,000 confirmed cases of monkeypox to the WHO. Five reported deaths so far, all of which occurred in Africa. @WHO will keep doing everything in our power to assist nations in halting transmission and saving lives, "Tedros said in a tweet. Tedros added that while some nations are seeing a decrease in cases, many are seeing an increase, and about six nations reported their first monkeypox cases last week.

The majority of cases continue to be reported from Europe, primarily among men who have sex with men," he said. The WHO director stated that because many of the nations reporting the cases have limited access to diagnostics and vaccines, the outbreak is more difficult to monitor and contain.

Ghebreyesus added that the company is validating, purchasing, and sending tests to several countris and will keep supporting increased access to reliable diagnostics. He added that information is one of the most effective weapons against the outbreak and that greater information would help those who are at risk take better care of themselves.

To develop and convey information that is more likely to be accepted and implemented by the impacted communities, WHO is still collaborating with patients and community advocates,  Tedros said. Direct or indirect contact between infected animals and people can spread the monkeypox virus. Direct skin-to-skin, skin-to-skin, and respiratory droplet contact with infectious skin or lesions can result in human-to-human transmission.

Monkeypox menance likely undercounted: Dr.Fauci

Careful! Monkeypox has knocked in India, the first patient found in this state

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