Why do mothers face problems in breastfeeding after delivery, know the reasons

After delivery, hormonal changes occur in the body of women, which can sometimes cause problems in breastfeeding. Nowadays, most women give birth to a child through C-section, and they face many problems in breastfeeding after delivery. Some women get milk easily, while others have a lot of difficulty. In such a situation, the question arises of what steps should women take so that their child can get enough milk and their health remains good.

Bad effects on health

It is common for women to face problems in breastfeeding after delivery. Sometimes milk does not come or comes in very small quantity, which affects the health of both mother and child. This not only causes a lack of nutrition for the child but also has a bad effect on the health of the mother.

due to a lack of milk

According to health experts, there can be many reasons for the lack of milk after delivery. One of the main reasons is lack of proper diet. If women have not taken a good and nutritious diet during pregnancy, then there may be a lack of milk after delivery. Apart from this, keeping the child separately in the nursery after a C-section can also cause a lack of milk.

take care of your diet

Women should pay special attention to their diet after delivery. It is very important to have a balanced and nutritious diet. It should include plenty of protein, calcium, and vitamins. Food items like green vegetables, fruits, pulses, and milk should be consumed. All these elements promote milk production and also improve the health of the mother.

C-section and milk impact

Many times, the mother's milk production gets delayed due to keeping the baby in the nursery after a C-section. When the mother and the baby come in contact quickly, it helps in the production of milk. Apart from this, the mother's body remains weak from the inside during surgery, due to which it may take time for the milk to come.

Ways to get milk

Balanced diet: Include plenty of proteins, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. Increase your intake of green leafy vegetables, pulses, and fruits. Hydration: Drink plenty of water. Drinking enough water can increase milk production. Rest: Try to stay relaxed and get enough rest. Stress can also affect milk production. Contact with the baby: Keep the baby in contact with the mother as much as possible. This improves milk production.

In this way, proper diet and care can reduce breastfeeding problems and ensure the health of the mother and baby.

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