Why Sanjay Dutt called his buddy 'Arrogant' is revealed

Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan had shared good bond with each other. They together worked in many films, they party together but things seem changed. And new addition to the story is, at an event in Delhi, Sanjay Dutt called Salman Khan 'Arrogant'. Now the real reason behind this is revealed.

The source clears the matter why this happened by saying, “None of Sanju’s films are taking off. He announced three films but none have happened although he is in the best shape today and raring to go. He also owns a production house so he approached Salman to act in his home production, thinking his buddy would give the green signal. But Salman’s date diary is choc-a-bloc with his film, brand and Being Human commitments and he had to turn down Dutt. But he didn’t know how to refuse a friend so he asked his team to do it. Naturally, Sanju did not take this too well.”

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