Why Shouldn't You Eat Kadhi in Saawan? Discover the Religious and Scientific Reasons Here

Saawan, the auspicious month dedicated to Lord Shiva, carries with it certain dietary recommendations that stem from both religious beliefs and scientific rationale. One notable suggestion during this time is to abstain from consuming kadhi, a yogurt-based dish, along with other yogurt-derived foods. Let's delve into the reasons behind this practice.

Religious Reasons: In Hindu mythology and traditions, Saawan is a sacred month devoted to Lord Shiva. Devotees offer various items to seek His blessings, including raw milk and yogurt. It is believed that consuming these offerings in their prepared forms, such as kadhi, during this period is considered inappropriate as these items are traditionally offered in their raw state to the deity.

Scientific Reasons: Digestive Concerns: According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, Saawan is characterized by a decrease in digestive strength (agni). Yogurt and dishes made from it, like kadhi, are known to be heavy to digest and can potentially aggravate digestive issues during this period when the digestive fire is already weakened due to seasonal changes.

Pitta Aggravation: Saawan coincides with monsoon season in many parts of India. The humidity and wet weather can increase the pitta dosha in the body, which is associated with heat and inflammation. Consuming yogurt-based dishes may further aggravate pitta, leading to discomfort and imbalance.

Hygiene Concerns: Monsoon brings increased humidity, which can lead to faster spoilage of dairy products and leafy vegetables. Consuming kadhi and similar dishes made from yogurt may pose a higher risk of contamination or foodborne illnesses during this time.

Environmental Factors: Saawan is also associated with seasonal allergies and respiratory issues due to the damp and humid conditions. Ayurveda advises against consuming certain foods that can exacerbate these conditions, including yogurt-based preparations.

Following dietary guidelines during Saawan, such as avoiding kadhi and other yogurt-based dishes, is rooted in both religious reverence and practical health considerations. By respecting these traditions and understanding the scientific reasoning behind them, individuals can ensure not only spiritual purity but also physical well-being during this special month dedicated to introspection and devotion.

By observing these practices, individuals can harmonize with both their cultural traditions and the natural rhythms of the season, promoting holistic health and spiritual growth.

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