Regularly clean the dirt coming out of the toilet to keep diseases at bay

Since the beginning of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in India, there is a big awareness among people about cleanliness. This growing awareness has reduced the mess in the country. But the most important thing in this whole campaign is, where are the waste being thrown. The waste of the entire village or city is being dumped at any place. Certainly, that place and the atmosphere there would have been completely mismanaged. If the waste is not preserved and disposed of systematically.

Everywhere in the village or city, people have built toilets in their homes with the help of themselves or the government, so that they do not need to defecate in the open, but it is not important to build toilets in the house. It is also very important to keep the toilet clean and collect the dirt coming out of it in a tank and empty it immediately when it is full. Because if there is any kind of negligence in this case, the tank will be completely filled. Due to the full filling of the tank, the dirt will start coming out of it, the toilet will be chock.

It is important to collect the waste of household toilets in a tank or to drain through the drains. Empty the tank before it gets completely filled.  Empty the tanks before rain as tank start flowing due to the rainwater and the dirt comes out give birth diseases.

Also Read:

Adopt these tips to Keep the toilet clean and avoid diseases

Know how the toilet is a big problem in the country and why is it necessary

Dirty toilets spread many diseases, keep it clean to keep diseases at bay

"Our children are sacrificed due to lack of toilets", horrifying figures revealed in research


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