'Bob the Builder' voice William Duffris died

Coronavirus is killing people in the world. This virus has spread even in Hollywood. But sad news for Hollywood has come out once again. William Duffris, the actor who voiced the cartoon Bob the Builder, has died at the age of 62 years. William was suffering from cancer and was also ill for a long time.

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The news of William's death has been given by his partner company Pocket Universe Production on social media. He tweeted "We are sorry to say that William Duffris, the co-founder of Pocket Universe Production and director of the show The Volt of Horror, sponsored by EC Comics, has died of cancer."

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William gave Bob's voice in the season of Bob the Builder in US and Canada. William started his career in radio. He has also played the role of Peter Parker in Spider-Man. He has also appeared in the children's shows Rocky and the Dodos and in the anime movies X and Lupine III.

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