With one change 'Rock On 2' passed with UA Certificate

Rock On 2 is the next franchise of Rock On which is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar in direction of Shujaat Saudaagar. Rock On 2 has passed with UA certificate and with a one change that is a dialogue which needs to re-dubb.

As per saying of director Shujaat Saudaagar, “There’s a character who is played by an actor in Meghalaya. His Hindi is not very clear. We need to do a small re-dubbing for the sake of clarity. Even before the censor board asked we were going to do this re-dubbing.”

Ritesh Sidhwani said, “Honestly, I expected no cuts. It’s a clean wholesome film to be enjoyed by the whole family. Audiences can expect a different experience in this segment of the Rock On journey.”

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