Without creativity, the depiction of sexual desire is Porn, says Swara Bhaskar

Swara Bhaskar is all set to amaze us with her upcoming film in which she is playing the role of an erotic singer. The films is titled Anaarkali of Arrah. 

As per Swara eroticism means, "In the film, I am a performer of erotic and double meaning songs. Eroticism for me is anything which depicts sex, sexual desires, beauty and body in a creative and artistic manner. Without creativity, the depiction of sexual desires is nothing but porn." 

Also she places the difference between an erotic dancer and a sex worker, "There is no difficulty for me as an actor to show that distinction. It is about the mindset of the viewers. People must understand the difference between a sex worker and a dancer. A sex worker is someone who is making money by having sex and a dancer is only singing about sex and her income is coming from her performance. And if people think that if a girl is singing about sex, talking about sex or has multiple sex partners, she is a prostitute then it is reflective of their narrow mindedness. It is not my problem."

The movie will release on March 24, 2017. 

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