Woman loses eye due to hair dye

The trend of hair dye has become quite common these days. Especially when it comes to hiding grey hair, many people use dye. But what if your eyesight gets affected after applying the dye? A similar case has recently come to light in the UK, where a 61-year-old woman started feeling problems in her eyes some time after dyeing her hair.

Problem in the woman's eyes: The woman said that after dyeing her hair, she started seeing blurred vision. After this, when the doctors examined her eyes, they found that she had symptoms of severe retinopathy. Retinopathy is a condition in which the blood cells that help the eyes see are damaged.

Chemical used in hair dye: According to the report, the cause of this problem is said to be a chemical called Paraphenylenediamine present in hair dye. This is a common chemical used in most hair dyes, especially in dark shades, its quantity is high. However, this chemical did not go directly into the woman's eyes.

The chemical entered the woman's bloodstream: Doctors said that the damage to the woman's eyes was caused by this chemical, but the chemical did not enter the eyes. Instead, the chemical somehow entered the woman's bloodstream and this was the reason why she lost her vision. This process took four months, and it took that long for the woman's eyes to return to normal.

How did the chemical reach the blood?: According to doctors, the chemical in hair dye can enter the blood through small wounds in the skin and from there can affect the cells that provide nutrition to the eyes. However, in this case, no wound has been confirmed on the woman's head. This is a rare case, but according to the National Health Service, products containing paraphenylenediamine are generally safe. Despite this, it is important to pay strict attention to its quantity in hair dye.

Precautions and Tips : It is very important to be careful while dyeing hair. Avoid using hair dye if you have any kind of skin problem or wound. Along with this, always choose a good brand while using dye and do a patch test so that any kind of allergy or problem can be predicted. This case highlights that we should be cautious while using hair dye and be aware of the potential health risks. If you also feel any unusual symptoms, contact the doctor immediately.

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