Women, have babies whenever you want, says Piggy Chops

Quantico star Priyanka Chopra recently became co-host of the chat show titled 'The View' where Piggy Chops spoke about pregnancy and what will be an ideal age for women to have babies. When the discussion steered towards Beyonce and Janet Jackson, who publicized their late pregnancies, the ladies wondered if they were giving 'false' hopes to women out there.

However, PC was all supportive of the older mommies. PeeCee told, "I think we've been always told by our parents and everyone that this is the time women need to get pregnant. When you're younger, you will have healthier children...I think people are aware of that. But I also don't think as a public person myself that it is the responsibility of Janet Jackson or Beyonce to..she's just a girl who makes music, and she's been a working mom, she's worked all her life. She did not have the time to have kids at that time and she's decided to do it right now. I don't think she should have the pressure of having to serve an example to humanity."

She continued, "I think we should be excited about the fact that we live in a time where science is allowing women to be able to take charge of our own lives. Women, have babies whenever you want, please!" 

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