Women of this tribe never takes bath, the reason will surprise you

Bathing is considered to be good for us, which also makes us clean and we have no disease. The whole world takes a bath, there will hardly be anyone who will not bathe. Yes, you do not even know anyone who does not take bath. But today we are going to tell you about a tribe about whom you will be surprised to know how they can do this.

Actually, we are talking about the people of the Himba tribe where the North-West Namibia is located in Kunen province of Africa. You must be surprised to know that here women take bath only once in their entire life. Yes, you are listening to the right you are forbidden to use them. These women bath in life once when they get marry. Along with bath she can not wash clothes too. Without even taking bath, these women also keep themselves fresh and fresh.

Women of this tribe are different and even their color is red. Tell you that, these women use special herbs for bathing. They boil in water and keep the body fresh from its smoke so that they do not get stained. With its fragrance, their body seems fresh even after bathing. Not only this, these women also save their bodies from sunlight and use a special lotion for them. This lotion is made from animal fat and Hematite (a mineral element like iron) and due to this, their color is also red.

These lotions protect them from insects, and with red color they also look different from all men, so they keep themselves red. They are also called Red Man. Indeed, these women are also many steps ahead of us. But whatever happens, I like bathing.

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