World Mental Health Day: Edison's Amazing Journey: Never Give Up!

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Thomas Alva Edison. He was just like any other kid, going to school and trying to learn. But one day, his teacher gave him a letter to take home to his mother. Edison's heart was filled with worry.

His mother opened the letter and read it with a smile. The letter said that Thomas had incredible abilities and that the school couldn't teach him properly. His mother decided to teach him at home because she believed in her son's potential.

Years passed, and Thomas worked really hard. He became one of the greatest scientists ever! He invented things like the light bulb, a machine that could play music, and even a camera for making movies. He changed the world with his inventions.

One day, while looking through some old things, Thomas found another letter. It was from his teacher, but this letter wasn't like the first one. It said that Thomas wasn't smart, and they didn't want him at school anymore. This made Thomas very sad, and he cried for a long time.

But Thomas didn't let those mean words bring him down. He knew he was capable of greatness because his mother believed in him. So, he wrote in his diary, "My mother is the real brave woman who made the unintelligent Edison great in front of the world."

As we celebrated World Mental Health Day, on October 10,  let's remember Thomas Edison's story. It teaches us that no matter what others say, we should never give up on ourselves. Sometimes people may not understand our potential, but that doesn't mean we can't achieve amazing things.

So, if you ever feel like things are tough, remember Edison's story. You can be brave, just like him, and achieve your dreams with courage and determination. Your journey is unique, and your potential is limitless!

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