Know interesting facts about world's smallest island country

There are many beautiful islands in the world for those who want to get around the shock. After seeing that, one cannot forget the beauty of those islands. There are many island countries on the amazing earth, which are made up of small and big islands. The island is called the site located in the middle of the water. It is a territory or land surrounded by sea all around. Although Indonesia is the largest island nation in the world, but do you know which is the smallest island country in the world? There are many such special things about this country, about which very few people know. The name of the world's smallest island nation is Nauru. It is located in the Micronesian South Pacific Ocean. Spread over 21 square kilometers, it is the world's smallest independent republic and the only republican nation in the world that has no capital.

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Nauru is also called a 'pleasant island', because the people here are living life in a relaxed manner. According to the census of 2018, the population of this country is close to 11 thousand. Most people do not know about this country, so very few people come here to visit. According to a report, in the year 2011, only 200 people came here to roam. There is only one airport in Nauru, which is named 'Nauru International Airport'. Although most of the people here follow Christianity, but you will be surprised to know that there are many people here who do not believe in any religion.

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According to natural beauty, Nauru Island has unlimited beauty due to which everyone wants to enjoy the tourism by coming here. Nauru was inhabited by Micronesians and Polynesians about 3,000 years ago. Traditionally, 12 tribes ruled here, the effect of which is also visible on the flag of this country. In the 60-70s, the main income of this country was from phosphate mining, but due to over-exploitation it ended. Coconut is produced here.

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