Xiomi Redmi 3S Prime Flash Sale ends in a Flash;tips for next sale !

The Chinese smart phone manufacturing giant in India  conducted the 4th flash sale of its widely popular product Redmi 3S Prime which according to tech geeks in India, is the best budget Smartphone currently available in the market. The phone features a massive 4100 mAh battery, 3GB of RAM, 32Gb internal storage and a fingerprint sensor; all in just Rs.8999/- . Following its trademark trend, Xiomi once again sold the product in a flash sale which bought more tears of agony than of joy. The sale which reportedly had around 90,000 units for grabs was conducted on the official Mi store and the Ecommerce site Flipkart.com.

Though no staunch promotions were conducted yet the buyer turnout was so massive that it put the Flipkart site in a non responsive state for a while. An Indore based tech enthusiast Himank shared his bittersweet experience as he remarked, “Me and 2 of my buddies were all set since the morning to book the phone for me with even money transferred into the flipkart account to save time. As the defining moment arrived with the clock hitting 12, we all clicked ‘buy’ on different colors of the same models but ended up pulling our hair out! It was shocking to witness all products being out of stock in a flash.  While my buddies gave up, I kept trying hoping for some magic. And somehow, as I refreshed the page,the “Buy” option again showed up instead of the “Out of stock” on and I successfully booked the product on Cash on Delivery to save time.”

While Himank had a successfully purchase, most of others didn’t. They’ll have to wait for the next sale which is scheduled on 7th Sept.

For those of our readers who failed miserably this time, here are some tips that may boost up your chances for the times to come:

1. If the product is not available on Cash on Delivery, always keep the money ready in the eWallet of that website. (Most eCommerce sites have this feature.) 2. Always go for the website option rather than the app as you can open multiple tabs of the same account on multiple PCs and that may exponentially increase your chances of getting the product. 3. Keep refreshing the page from 10 minutes before the sale opens at an interval of 15 sec. each. 4. And lastly, do not give up at least in the first 15 min. even if the site shows ‘Out of stock’. Keep refreshing the page. Who knows you might get lucky like Himank did!


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