Yemen: Suspected Al Qaeda gunmen attack a security headquarters

Yemen: A government official said on Saturday that suspected Al Qaeda gunmen stormed a security office in Yemen's southern province of Dhalea. "Intense armed clashes between security personnel and Al Qaeda suspects continue in and around the security headquarters in Dhalea amid big explosions," the official told.

He stated that the attack on the security headquarters, which contains a prison, is intended to free Al Qaeda inmates. The attack killed a few security personnel, including two senior officials.

The assailants also allegedly exploded bombs, creating enormous explosions, according to witnesses. They claimed that ambulances and a security force backed by armoured vehicles rushed to the scene.

Many high-profile attacks on security forces in Yemen's southern provinces have been carried out by the Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) network.

Years of brutal struggle between the Yemeni government and Houthi rebels have allowed the AQAP to develop its footprint in the war-torn Arab country.

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