Yogi Adityanath Vows to Make Uttar Pradesh 'Mafia-Free' by June 4

Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced on Sunday his intent to declare Uttar Pradesh a ‘mafia-free' state after June 4. In a statement released by the official spokesman, the Chief Minister reiterated his government's firm stance against criminal syndicates.

“The properties amassed by notorious mafia figures will face confiscation, with the seized assets slated for redistribution to underprivileged segments of society, including the impoverished, orphaned, women's shelters, and facilities catering to the needs of the differently-abled,” the Chief Minister stated. The Chief Minister's declaration comes amid increased scrutiny of the government's anti-mafia initiatives, as he addressed inquiries regarding the administration's strategies in combating criminal elements and political opposition.

“Hospitals and schools will be constructed on the illegal lands seized from the mafia. The crackdown on the mafia will be launched in the first phase, followed by the confiscation of their properties. Our action plan for this is also ready,” the Chief Minister explained. Addressing the confiscation of properties belonging to senior Samajwadi Party leader and former minister Azam Khan, the Chief Minister remarked: “He is another 'Kaka Shree' of that Mahabharata family. When Draupadi was being disrobed, everyone was silent in front of Duryodhana and Dushasan. As you sow, so you reap -- whether it is Azam Khan or any mafia leader. They hindered the development of the state. Therefore, strict action is being taken against such people.”

The Chief Minister emphasized that those found guilty of inciting unrest in the state would face punitive measures extending seven generations. He also stressed the importance of ensuring the safety and security of the state's women, noting a significant improvement in their protection under the present administration. Responding to inquiries, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath highlighted the transformative impact of the government's measures in instilling a climate of security and confidence.

He cited instances where perpetrators were compelled to publicly seek clemency, illustrating the fear-free environment established within the state. Regarding assertions made by certain Islamic “fundamentalists” regarding Ghazwa-e-Hind, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath unequivocally dismissed the notion, affirming India's enduring identity. He emphasized that Ghazwa-e-Hind, a purported prophesied conquest, holds no relevance, and India will steadfastly remain India until the end of time.

Regarding the notion of "vote jihad" advocated by Congress leader Salman Khurshid's niece, Yogi Adityanath condemned such attempts at exploiting religion for electoral gains. He asserted that those who engage in such tactics will find no solace.

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