You Should Also Know these facts About Growing Fat

Fat is an excess calorie that accumulates in our body as fat. This makes us look very ugly and we can't do what we want to wear, what we want to eat. Fat not only increases obesity but also spoils the balance of hormones. Fat due to hormones affects our appetite, metabolism, bone strength, reproactive organs, immune systems as well as brain growth. If your fat is growing, you should know some of the facts we're going to tell you about it.

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* Fat loss increases appetite- Fat leptin produces hormones that reach the brain through the blood and affect appetite. When fat is low, the level of leptin also decreases, thereby increasing appetite. Hence the process of reducing fat increases appetite and leads to more appetite.

* Reducing Fat also reduces metabolism- The accumulation of fat is considered bad for the body as the level of leptin hormones is also reduced when the fat is low. Reduced leptin hormone also reduces metabolic levels, thus increasing the risk of people getting fat once they are reduced again.

* Fat affects mood- Fat Happy reduces hormone levels thereby increasing stress. Unhealthy fat affects the mood and makes it a victim of stress and depression.

* Fat also affects blood circulation- The fat stored in the body also requires oxygen and nutrients to survive. In this case, the fat produces new capillaries that signal the brain and the brain sends nutrients, oxygen, fat deposits through the blood to fat.

* Fat does not increase when eaten repeatedly- Eating in small intervals does not increase fat and also reduces appetite. If a person does not eat for a long time and eats later, the risk of fat deposits is higher.

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