Your nails will start to shine like pearls, just take these easy-to-use tips

Often eating with hands frequently, due to lack of nutrients and fungus accumulated around nails make them yellow. It is the same if you wear cheap nail paint long time and girls do not remove the nail paint for a long time. In such cases, girls spend a lot of money on cleaning the nails. But we are telling you some easy home remedies that you can easily get rid of the yellowing of the nails...




Rinse lemon peel on the direct nails or put one lemon juice in one lukewarm water. Now keep the hands in the water for 15 to 20 minutes. In the middle you can clear the nails even with the filer. Afterwards, wipe the hands with towels and then apply  moisturizers.




Toothpaste not only cleans teeth but also nails. Keep a little toothpaste on all the nails of one hand then keep scratches between two hands for two minutes. Now you wash them with normal water. Finally you put the moisturizer in it.

Baking soda...

Baking soda is found in home. Mix lemon juice in equal quantity in one spoon. Now put it on your fingernails and keep this paste on the nails for 5 minutes. In this prescription, you keep scratched fingers of both hands together. After 10 minutes wash hands with lukewarm water. Your nails will shine.  

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