10 Most Beautiful Birds In The World

1 Blue-gray Tanager - This little songbird is blue. It is blue like no other bird is blue. Even the mountain bluebird is not as blue as this bird. Its shades of blue range from Alice blue on the head to cerulean on the breast to purplish-blue and sapphire blue on the wings. The wings may be tipped with midnight blue.

2 Gouldian Finch - If a child was given a box of crayons and an outline of a bird, they would probably create something as colorful as the Gouldian finch, one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The male has a red and black face capped with turquoise blue and olive green, an olive green back, a purple breast, a yellow belly, and a turquoise blue rump. The female of this species is also brightly colored, though her breast is more mauve than purple.

3 Scarlet Tanager - Not all beautiful birds have to be exotic. The scarlet tanager is found in the United States east of the Mississippi and winters down in northwestern South America. Though its scientific name is Piranga olivacea, with olivacea meaning “olive green” the male of this common bird is an intense scarlet with deeply black wings.

4 - Victoria Crowned Pigeon The Victoria crowned pigeon is singular. Found in New Guinea, it is a terrestrial pigeon that lives on the ground. Named for Queen Victoria, it is notable for its “crown” a crest with violet-blue, white-tipped fan-shaped feathers. The bird has a purplish-maroon breast, and it has a bar of pale blue feathers on its deeper blue wings. Even the legs, which are unusually scaly are attractive.

5 Turquoise Parrot - Found in eastern Australia, the sexes of this small parrot are sort of similar, though the female is paler. The male is mostly green with a yellow belly and it’s the amazing, clear turquoise blue of his face and wings that place him on the list of the most beautiful birds in the world.

6 Purple Honeycreeper - Found in the Caribbean and South America, the purple honeycreeper does have a bill that’s too long and curved, but its plumage, a startling shade of amethyst, puts it on the list of the most beautiful birds in the world. It’s a little bird, only about 4.5 inches long, but the male has those purple feathers with black wings, belly, and tail, all contrasting beautifully with bright yellow legs.

7 Mute Swan - With its pure white feathers contrasting with an orange bill, black mask, and long white neck, the mute swan is the epitome of avian beauty and grace. Found on large bodies of fresh water in temperate zones, the swan is the heaviest of the swimming birds, and though other swimming birds such as ducks and geese aren’t necessarily ugly, the swan’s beauty seems a miracle. It is also elegant in flight, with the largest birds having a 10-foot wingspan.

8 Peacock - The three species of the peacock, Pavo cristatus, Pavo muticus, and Afropavo congensis inevitably make the list of the most beautiful birds in the world. With its long train and spectacular coloration, the beauty of the peacock is on the border of sublime and ridiculous. It’s no wonder that the peacock is a symbol of overweening arrogance. But this exotic beauty is for a purpose and comes with a price.

9 Flame Bowerbird - This 10-inch long bird of the New Guinea rainforest comes by its name honestly, for it resembles a torchlight. Its head down to its neck plumes and shoulders is brilliant red-orange, cooling down to orange then bright flame yellow on its back and wings. The tail and wings are tipped with black.

10 Birds of Paradise - These birds belong to the Paradisaeidae family and are mostly found in Oceania. Not all of them are spectacular in their beauty. Some look suspiciously like crows, and the colorful plumage is largely restricted to the males. Yet, when people think of some of the most beautiful birds in the world these are often on the list. Among the most beautiful birds in the world are

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