8 Yoga Poses for Better Digestion

1. Peacock Prep - Take a child’s pose kneel on floor with knees slightly apart, sit back on heels, rest chest on thighs, forehead on ground. Place fists under belly.

2. Goddess Pose - Take a wide stance with toes out and heels in, bend knees deeply and sink hips down to height of your knees. Bring arms out at shoulder height and bend elbows so fingertips point up. Engage core and draw tailbone toward floor.

3. Malasana the Squat - Squat with feet as close together as possible, keeping heels on the ground, if you can. Separate thighs slightly wider than torso, lean forward, and press elbows against inner knees, bringing palms together. Malasana has many of the same benefits of Goddess, but with the addition of pressure on the abdomen,” explains Schwabacher.

4. Jathara Parivartanasana, a reclined twist with bent knees - Lie down, draw knees into your chest and drop them to the right as you open arms into a T-shape. Turn your face to the left.

5. Left-Side Lying Savasana aka Corpse Pose - Take ten minutes after a big meal to lie on your left side and relax. If you’re not able to lie down, just close your left nostril and breathe through your right for 10 to 20 breaths for a similar effect. This will open the pingala nadi digestivesolar channel. Lying on your left side opens up the right side, the digestive-oriented side,” says Schwabacher.

6. Apanasana aka Knees-to-Chest Pose - Reclining on your back, draw your knees in toward your chest. You can also keep the knees together and circle them to each side to massage the abdominals and low back,” says Hodge.

7. CatCow Pose - Get in a “tabletop” position on your hands and knees with your knees directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in alignment. Keep your head centered. As you inhale, lift your chest and the bones in the underside of your seat your “sits bones” up, and let your belly drop. Lift your head. As you exhale, round your spine and release your head.

8. Bridge Pose - Lying down on the floor, bend your knees, and keep your heels close to your sits bones. While you exhale, press your feet and arms into the floor and lift your pelvis up while keeping your thighs and feet parallel. According to Hodge, “Bridge pose stimulates and stretches the abdominals while bringing the organs into better alignment. It also stimulates the thyroid, which is important for digestion and metabolism.”

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