Elon Musk Is Not Stopped by these 10 Failures

1-Elon musk was rejected by Netscape (1995)

2- Elon Musk was not elected CEO of the company Zip2, which he founded (1996)

3- PayPal was voted one of the 10 worst startups and Elon Musk was fired from PayPal (1999-2000)

4- Attempts to buy rockets were denied (2001-2002)

5- Explosion of SpaceX’s first 3 rockets (2006-2007-2008)

6- The bankruptcy of Halcyon Molecular (2012)

7- The failure of the rocket named Falcon 9 v1.1 during landing (2013)

8- Tesla Model 5 encountered many problems due to the decrease in the energy holding capacity of its battery over time (2014)

9- Second battery problem in Tesla motors (2016)

10-Failures in new generation rockets (2016)

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