How the Egyptian mummy remains safe for thousands of years

The oldest museum of Rajasthan is in Jaipur. Albert Hall Museum opened 133 years ago.

On August 14, 2020, it rained heavily. The museum basement was flooded. Many antiques, maps and documents got damaged but the most valuable thing was safely taken out from the Museum is, A 2400 years old Mummy.

You must have seen The Mummy Returns. Or in some other film Mamis darshan would have been found. A deadbody wrapped in white bandages. But mummy is not just this.

Any human or animal, whose body survives for a long time after death, is called a mummy.

This mummy kept in Jaipurs museum was brought to India 130 years ago from Cairo city of Egypt.

For the first time in 130 years, it was taken out of the box, so that this dead body preserved for centuries was not wasted. But how did this mummy survive for 2400 years The mummy kept in the museum of Jaipur was received as a gift by the king there.

After death the body starts melting and rotting. Scientists call it decomposition or dissolution. When we are alive, we have digestive enzymes inside us. These enzymes break down food, which helps in digestion. After death, these digestive enzymes become free, so they start wreaking havoc inside our body.

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