Micro-Blogging Platform Owned by Elon Musk On iOS, replace the Home and Recent Tabs with 'For You' and 'Following'

On iOS, Twitter has announced that the Home and Latest tabs will be replaced by For you and Following tabs beginning Wednesday

See the Tweets you want to see, the microblogging platform tweeted from its TwitterSupport account

Swipe between tabs on iOS starting today to see Tweets recommended For you or Tweets from accounts youre Following

In place of Home and Latest, the For you and Following tabs will be pinned to the top of your timeline so you can quickly switch between them

Instead of tapping the star icon, swipe to change the timeline

Several users expressed their thoughts on the platforms announcement

Though one user claimed, Youre forcing users to view the most recent tweets every time they open the app, which is absolute garbage

call it whatever BS names you want, but allow the tab choice to at least be kept, another commented, the swiping gesture is cool but I think it would be better for you and latest tweets I could be wrong

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, had announced on Sunday that long form tweets would arrive in early February and that users would soon be able to swipe right or left to switch between recommended and followed tweets

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