Paris Hilton Defies Dwayne Johnson With Tone-Deaf Post

Even if you live under a rock, you know of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. When you think of Dwayne Johnson, there are probably a few images that come to mind.

You may recall him as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, WWE Superstar, or you may know him from his acting work in Fast Furious, Moana, Jungle Cruise, and more. Or, perhaps you just enjoy his tequila.

If there is one thing we all have in common when it comes to our perception of Johnson, it is a success.

As noted by Vanity Fair, “For each of the last five years, he was, according to Forbes’s annual list, either the highest or second-highest-paid actor. In that period, he is estimated to have earned a total of 430.4 million.”.

The only actor to have topped him most recently was Daniel Craig. Dwayne comes off as a lovable teddy bear, and although he may be very successful now, it was not always that way. Dwayne, in fact, grew up deep in poverty, with less than 10 to his name.

Lately, Johnson has been in the media for a different reason, advocating for the Maui wildfires, along with ways to donate and support those impacted by the devastation.

I know that, by now, all of you around the world have seen the complete destruction and devastation that has hit our Hawaiian islands — our island of Maui — and I’m completely heartbroken over this and I know all of you are too,” Johnson said in a video posted on Instagram on Sunday.

“Everything that I’ve seen transpire over these past couple of days, everything that continues to transpire hour by hour, minute by minute, it’s all heartbreaking.”

Johnson is of Samoan descent, but his mother was born in Hawaii, and the star was raised there for a period.

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