Scariest movies on Netflix, deliver plenty of blood-curdling, frightening genre thrills.

Apostle, After a careful buildup, the last act of The Raid director Gareth Evans' horror/action freakout rewards the audience with some nauseating violence and gore. In the historical drama set at the turn of the 20th century, Dan Stevens plays an Englishman who infiltrates a distant cult to save his sister.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, The first of three anthologies was released in 1981 and featured stories like "The Big Toe," "The Thing," and "The Haunted House," along with some genuinely spooky, atmospheric pictures. The series premiered in 2019 and was produced and co-written by The Shape of Water director and Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro.

It Follows, David Robert Mitchell's supernatural thriller about a shapeshifting killer passed around like a curse emanates a scorching, downright oppressive atmosphere of fear. It is a cold-blooded nightmare that might induce an adult to sleep with a nightlight.

Hush, Following the well-liked mirror-themed horror film Oculus and the surprisingly excellent Ouija: Origin of Evil, Flanagan became recognised as a major influence in contemporary horror.

Creep (2014) Creep 2 (2017), Patrick Brice's psychological thriller, one of the best found footage movies that came after Paranormal Activity's enormous success, follows a filmmaker tasked with filming an unusual, presumably psychotic customer (Mark Duplass).

Fear Street Part 1 1994, a Netflix original event based on the darker, less PG-rated works of R.L. Stine, intends to reimagine and satirise the slasher subgenre in the style of Scream. Netflix is currently streaming it. With excellent Part 2 1978 and Part 3 1666, the trilogy is completed.

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