"I have married Modi, he is my Ram," says PM Modi's wife

Jasodaben, who is living apart from Prime Minister Narendra Modi currently, expressed displeasure at the statemant of Madhya Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel, Modi actually married me, she is my Rama. He said that this statement of Anandiben has damaged the image of Modi.  Jasodaben said, "PM Modi himself informed that he is married in the nomination papers for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. They have written my name in it too."     

Jasodaben said in a statement released from his brother Ashok Modi's mobile video, "She did not expect such an improper statement about a teacher (Jasodaben) from an educated woman like Anandi Ben." She said that "This behavior of Anandiben has badly affected PM Narendra Modi's image. I respect him a lot and he is my Ram."   


Jasoda Ben's brother Ashok Modi said that when the statement of Anandi Ben came to the social media, we did not trust the media initially, but when on June 19 her statement came in a newspaper, we thought it could not be wrong since it was published in the newspaper. That's why we had to express our statement too. We together recorded a written statement, which Jasoda Ben has read and recorded in the home and later put on social media."

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