10 common signs and symptoms of cancer in men and women
10 common signs and symptoms of cancer in men and women

World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4 every year. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you 10 common signs and symptoms of cancer in men and women.

10 common signs and symptoms of cancer in men and women-

Excessive, persistent cough: In fact, this is a condition for which there should be a check-up for lung inflammation (pneumonia) and neck cancer.

Blood in saliva: Let you all know that there is usually a sign of bronchitis or sinusitis, this symptom can also indicate lung cancer.

Blood in the stool: Let us tell you that it can indicate anything from constipation, ulcers and haemorrhoids to cancer of the colon or rectum. Colonoscopy is recommended for all people over the age of 50.

Changes in bowel movements: Let you all know that sudden diarrhoea, constipation or thin stools point to cancer of the colon and rectum. At the same time, investigations should be started for irritation and infection in the intestines.

Changes in the way you urinate: Let's tell you that the pattern, frequency: The impulse of urine that slows down or stops without your control can be some profound causes of this.

Spots, moles and skin changes: Both men and women should look at moles or spots on the skin that appear suddenly. Indeed, changes in skin colour, texture, etc. are a common first sign of skin cancer.

Unprovoked pain and fatigue: Fatigue and pain not going away are indicators of intense issues.

Difficulty swallowing: Deep stomach and bowel problems come to the fore as difficulty swallowing. During this time a patch or irritation in the mouth is also worth checking.

Sudden changes in weight: Sudden loss of weight – Weight loss without any diet or lifestyle changes Weight loss is a sign of incident cancer.

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