10 common differences between ‘You’ and your ‘Girlfriend’
10 common differences between ‘You’ and your ‘Girlfriend’

Every relationship possesses a specialty, a unique reason of togetherness and a really interesting story to narrate.

Two people in love with each other are of their own kind when we think about the connecting factors like the way they care for each other, make fun, create memories, celebrate occasions, hang out together and make it out.

However, there are things and a few couple-habits which are similar in every relationship. The reasons behind everyday tiny fights that you often share with your BFFs are same for him/her to fight on with his/her partner.

Besides, the common reasons of fights, there are also common differences lie between you two which you perhaps can never deny but somehow adjust for living together.

Well, according to me the differences are the reasons behind the connection and bond two-in-love share with each other.

Let’s see, how many of the enlisted differences make you say, “Yes! These are we two”.

1.She is classy and you are geeky.

2.She is always fun to have around and you are funny.

3.She takes thousands selfies in a day and you “have to” pose

4.She is hygiene freak and you are habitual of throwing your towel on floor

5.She is a chatterbox, you call yourself a good listener

6.She likes jokes and you love making jokes

7.She likes instagram and snapchat, you like Twitter

8.She likes cricketers, you love cricket

9.She is organised, you have your chairdrobe and floordrobe

10.She is always right, and she is always right.

PS: Expect the last one, all nine can be reversed. *wink*


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