New Delhi: A shocking incident has come to light from Maharashtra. According to a police official, on Sunday, a 12-year-old girl allegedly hanged herself in Maharashtra after watching videos of suicide in Maharashtra. He said, "Shikha Rathore, who lives in Hanspuri area, had seen some suicide videos on his father's mobile phone. " The whole area has been shocked after the incident.
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He also told her mother about the videos that she never thought the girl would end her life. He said that at 4 p.m. on Saturday, the girl was hanged by a fan on the roof of the house. His younger sister saw him hanging and immediately informed his mother.
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The official said, the girl was taken to a government hospital where she died while undergoing treatment. Police said the reason behind the horrific move of the girl has not been ascertained but a case of accidental death has been registered in this regard.