2 Easy nail art styles to go stylish
2 Easy nail art styles to go stylish

Fashion trends are nowadays changing day by day. New designer outfits, accessories are some of the common areas we follow. But today we are sharing with you the two amazing nail art ideas to get a stylish look in just simple steps.
Let's have a look:

Bow Nail Art

Using a nail polish is the easiest way to do a nail art. Now, let's start adding tools to it. This is also an astonishingly simple nail art that you can easily do at home. It’s very casual so it can be worn at all times.

*What You Will Need:
Sky blue nail polish
White nail polish
Black nail polish
Nail striper or a very fine paintbrush

*How To Apply?
1. Start by painting all of your nails with the sky blue shade as your base colour.
2. Paint over it with white in a heart shape as shown in the image.
3. Using a nail striper or a paintbrush dipped in black nail polish, follow the shape where the white and blue meet and create two loops at the centre so that it looks like a bow.
4. Seal it with a top coat, and you are good to go.


Splatter Nail Art
This nail art will awake the artist in you. You can create a fun paint splatter design using just a regular paintbrush.

*What You Will Need:
White nail polish
Light blue nail polish
Purple nail polish
Pink nail polish
A stiff paint brush

*How To Apply?
1. Paint all your nails with white as the base colour.
2. Now comes the fun part. Find a stiff brush like the one shown in the image. Dip it in the light blue polish, and run your fingers through the brush and direct it at your nail so that the brush splatters on your nails.
3. Repeat the same thing for the pink and the purple.
4.You should have a nice splatter nail art.
5.Use a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to clean up the sides around the nails.
6. Seal it with a top coat

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