2 Effective homemade hair serum
2 Effective homemade hair serum

The serum is the most common thing we use generally after hair wash. The serum is said to be the dry oil for our hair. It helps to untangle our hairs after wash. But to buy a good hair serum is a bit costly venture. So here are two homemade hair serum just for you.

*Lemon and coconut oil serum for oily hair
Oils like lemon oil, coconut oil, peppermint oil and jojoba oil are lighter and are a perfect hair serum base for those with oily hair.

1. To make the serum, mix few drops of any jojoba or peppermint oil with 100 ml of lemon or coconut oil.
2. Now shake the mixture well and store it in a bottle where it won’t be exposed to too much of sunlight. You can also choose to store the mixture in an opaque bottle.
3. Use this homemade serum during the day to tame those stubborn fly-aways or use it at night before going to bed to nourish your hair and scalp and help retain its moisture.

*Aloe vera gel and lavender oil serum for brittle hair
Lavender oil is a miracle remedy for brittle hair. The concoction of lavender oil and aloe vera gel not only helps to restore health back in damaged hair but also promotes hair growth. 

1. Pour a cup of water in a pan and bring it pot boil.
2. Add a tablespoon each of dried fenugreek and fresh basil leaves to the boiling water. Both these herbs are extremely easy to source.
3. Let the mixture simmer on low heat for another 15 minutes.
4. Strain out the concoction and then let it cool down.
5. Once cooled, add it to the aloe vera gel and mix.
6. Now mix this with 100 ml of lavender oil.
7. Shake well and store in an airtight bottle.
8. Apply this serum every alternate day on damp hair or just before hitting the bed to make brittle hair stronger, well-nourished and curb hair fall.

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