Corona: Has Indore district reaches stage three? 24 people positive so far
Corona: Has Indore district reaches stage three? 24 people positive so far

Indore: The number of corona patients is increasing continuously in the state. The number of corona patients in Indore city is constantly increasing. So far, 24 patients have come in the grip of this disease, which is the highest in MP. After positive cases surfaced in a week, now the trend of Corona in Indore is understood.

DIG took a big step, entrusting this agency to control infection

The media group of Indore Local has Dr. Salil Sakalle, Head of Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Manish Jain, Physician (Bombay Hospital), Dr. Ravi Doshi (Chest Physician, Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences), Dr. Saurabh Malviya (Medanta Hospital) and after discussing with Dr. Pradeep Jain (Chest Physician, Choithram Hospital), he tried to know why this disease is spreading rapidly in Indore.

5 new cases reported in Indore, city of high risk

Doctors associated with the media group believe that the transition is now at the community level. We have reached Stage-3 directly instead of Stage-1 or Stage-2. So far, 24 cases have been reported, in which no one except two-three patients had a travel history. Some of them have become infected by coming in contact with each other. Positive patients are aged between 14 and 70 years. Those who are more than 60 years of age, their condition is critical and they are placed on oxygen support. Instead of keeping patients in different hospitals, separate Covid-19 hospitals should be built, because if any patient comes to the hospital then he goes from registration counter to OPD and ward. He can infect many people in this whole process. Even the medical staff working there can be a victim of infection. Most of the cases are from areas where there is more congestion. However, of the patients who have been infected, 80% do not have much problem.

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