3 Beauty Brands that focuses on Eco-friendly products
3 Beauty Brands that focuses on Eco-friendly products

Be it a party or a day out in summers, you need cosmetic products to keep your body healthy and moisturised. 

The use of beauty products in the daily routine is too much and therefore it is high time that we keep in mind the sustainable development and use products only that are environmentally friendly. 

To reduce the pollution in the environment, we can work on products that are recyclable, use solar energy, cosmetics that use biodegradable products. 
There are some brands which only focuses on making environment-friendly products. Mentioned below are 5 brands that have their goal in the sustainable beauty department. 

1. Oriflame: 
The leading brand has always made products that are sustainable and environmentally friendly, the company is focussing to make absolute and complete environment free products. 
 It has a cosmetic range line  'Love Nature' that celebrates all those magical and bountiful gifts that mankind is blessed with its products. the products of this line use natural ingredients keeping the environment in mind.  They use biodegradable oil in all exfoliating products to reduce the water pollution.


2. Forest Essential: The brand is Ayurvedic. This brand has all the treats of the traditional beauty hacks and there is a necessary Indian Beauty brand. The modern-day customers love it and not only face and body products but all the hair products are also an outcome of the ancient secrets of beauty. The brand has reduced the uses of artificial things that cause pollution. 
Their main source is shifted to natural and plant sources. 

3. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic:  
The largest Aromatherapy brand in India.
It has around  170 products including essential oils, curative oils, hair care and skin care.
They focus on making products that are environmentally friendly. free from artificial ingredients- synthetic colours, petrochemicals, parabens, alcohol, harsh chemicals, phthalates, mineral oils, and animal testing. Even the packaging is environmentally friendly.

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