3 Tips to take good basic asthma care
3 Tips to take good basic asthma care

Asthma is a chronic lung condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed and narrow, making it difficult to breathe. There are different causes of it which includes Family history, having a severe respiratory infection as a child, having an allergic condition, or being exposed to certain chemicals. Asthma has no cure but it can be managed with medications, including inhalers that help prevent and treat symptoms of long-term lung disease.  In fact, a good basic asthma care can help save lives. This strategy for the good asthma care consists of three simple elements -

A written asthma action plan - it will tell you what medicine to take and when, how to identify if your asthma’s getting worse and what to do, etc. It is also effetcive in spotting the signs of an asthma attack, thereby reducing your risk of landing up at hospital emergency with the condition.

Inhaler technique check -. Using the correct inhaler technique means you’re breathing in the medicine straight into your lungs, where it’s needed.

An annual action review - you can visit your doctor and talk  about anything that may concern you,  how you are or even check things like peak flow readings that can help you and your healthcare provider monitor asthma control.

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