4 Bedroom Problems Only Parents Will Understand
4 Bedroom Problems Only Parents Will Understand

It is not at all easy to be a parent, and handle your kid. There are a lot of changes after you become a parent and similarly, it changes many things in which bedroom problems are the main for parents.

As the phase of all time honeymoon and intimacy fly away. So, here are hilariously accurate bedroom problems that only parents will understand:

1. Ethical dilemmas -  The serious ethical dilemmas that arise when your baby is asleep for the first time in (what seems like) two days; should leave him to rest unattended and try to make the most of it. 


2. Paternal instincts are constantly running - As the years go by, you may find it harder and harder to stop thinking about being a parent even for a split second. As you can image it can be difficult to get "in the mood" when you're thinking about it. 


3. You DEFINITELY don't want to share your "toys" - Not every couple is as experimental or kinky as some. The ones that understand the struggle that comes from trying to hide those "toys" of yours from your ever so curious kids. 


4. Date night is less about the date, more about the post-date - Date night can still be just as romantic as you need it to be. However, sometimes it's not all about the romance--it's about the fact that the kiddos are staying with the grandparents for the night, and you've got a vacant bed waiting at home. 


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