4 Dehydration Symptoms You Probably Don't Know
4 Dehydration Symptoms You Probably Don't Know

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. With dehydration, more water is moving out of our cells and bodies than what we take in through drinking.

1. Your brain is foggy
When you’re not taking in adequate fluids, it can mess with your body quite a bit and you may end up feeling a little loopy.” Studies have even shown that mild dehydration can cause headaches and decrease cognitive performance, leading to difficulty concentrating and impaired working memory.


2. Your workouts feel extra hard
Dehydration can leave you prone to injury. Your muscles, bones and organs are made up of water and help cushion your joints. When your muscles lose water, they become fatigued.


3. You’re cranky
A study conducted at the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Connecticut found that mild dehydration could adversely affect your mood, both at rest and during exercise. Sip up, smile more.


4. You may drive erratically
A study found that operating a vehicle when you’re low in liquids can lead to more driving errors during a prolonged, monotonous drive. The effects are similar to sleep deprivation or a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent. 

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