5 Myths associated with Chocolate
5 Myths associated with Chocolate

Chocolate has always been one of the popular bites. It is in between those items which can uplift our mood at any point. Nowadays, chocolate is being used in several forms of foods or desserts. It is said to have essential features that can work as an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
However, there are a lot of myths that are associated with the delicious delight.
Here's a list of 5 common myths about chocolate that you should not believe anymore.

Myth 1: Chocolate Lacks Health Benefits

Chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants, magnesium and zinc. It also contains phosphate, calcium and protein which helps reduce insulin resistance.
According to the experts, "Dark chocolate has health benefits in terms of antioxidants." Consumption of dark chocolate may help to maintain the blood pressure and could also keep your heart healthy.


Myth 2: Chocolate Causes Acne

When it comes to skin health, our diet plays a major role.
Experts say, "Chocolate may cause acne due to the presence of fat content in it but not always, as a lot depends upon your skin type,"


Myth 3: Chocolate Causes Weight Gain

Chocolate is not the only primary reason behind weight gain apart from this eating processed food can also lead to weight gain.
According to the expert, "Anything eaten in moderation won't affect your health and weight. It is absolutely fine to eat chocolates until eaten in moderation."


Myth 4: Chocolate Causes Headaches

Chocolate is usually seen as a culprit for migraines and headaches. However, several studies have found no link between the two.


Myth 5: White Chocolate Is Chocolate

White chocolate is not really a chocolate. It is known to be a candy made with the help of cocoa butter, milk solids and vanilla.

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