5 Reasons not to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
5 Reasons not to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Well, there are many reasons people celebrate Valentine day, they do a lot of stuff in Valentine's week, each day of this week signify something the romantic love week starts  from 7th Feb that is rose day, 8 the Feb purpose day, 9th Feb chocolate day, 10th Feb teddy day, 11feb promise day, 12th Feb hug day, 13th Feb kiss day and at last 14th Feb. So, each day the lovers celebrate the occasion. 

We know almost all about Valentine day, but have you ever wonder that there is always a bad and good side of each and everything so the same fellows for the valentine day as well. Here we are going to tell you some reasons that why Valentine Day is not celebrated. 

- Here is the first thing by which you all are going to agree that,  You do not need one specific day to show your love for your loved ones. Quality of love is that it should be necessary for life not something temporary, thus, expression of love can be made 365 days a year!

-Celebrating Valentine’s Day is quite unusual. Seriously, who wears all the bright red colour stuff on the scorching heat of February, People will surely going to laugh at you if you do it this way.

-Don't you think that celebrating Valentine’s Day is expensive? No matter how many flowers, cakes, candies, balloons and what not you buy for your Valentine, they will never be satisfied but you shall surely be broke or at the end, you will be get so hurt so, why this much of expensive stuff to do! Agree?

-Valentine’s Day leads to waste of flowers. We should be more kind towards nature and not let people pluck all those lovely roses from their plants just for the sake of someone you love. Your first love should always be natural.

-Celebrating Valentine’s Day is a curse for people, who are single. It automatically creates a pressure on the ones that are stripped of any loving partner, which is obviously wrong because it hurts singles!

-Historically, celebrating Valentine’s Day is like celebrating the death of Valentine, which is so illogical. You should never ever celebrate the death of a person no matter how hateful they are. Valentine does not deserve it!

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