5 Signs that it's time to move on from your crush
5 Signs that it's time to move on from your crush

If you have been an enthusiastic reader of romantic novels and love watching romcoms, you can easily know the feeling of having a crush on someone. Everyone has their fair share of crushes. Some turned out to be actual romances, while others may be still in their heads. When you are crushing on someone, you fantasize about them and start liking everything about them. That’s why it's often said that giving up on a crush is much more difficult than an actual breakup.

When you have a crush on someone, you like to spend most of your day trying to figure out their feelings towards you. However, there are times when you realize that it won’t happen and it is time to move on. 

1. If they are seeing someone

If they are in a serious relationship, then move on from them. 

2. If you start feeling unworthy

Never, ever settle your self-respect or doubt your self-worth based on how someone treats you. If you start feeling neglected because your crush does not pay attention to you, then move on.

3. If they are not right for you

If you feel that they are not right for you as you both do not share the same values then it is time for you to give up on them.

4. If you changed your true identity

If you have changed yourself or your personality to get in your crush notice then it is a definite sign for you to move on. 

5. If they do not know you

If they are not aware of the fact that you exist it is probably because they are not interested, which is a clear sign for you to move on.

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